Monday, December 30, 2019
A Memorable Childhood Event - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 999 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Childhood Essay Did you like this example? Most of my childhood could be described as memorable. My mom and dad were excellent parents and were very involved in my life. My most memorable childhood experience most definitely has to be winning my first golf tournament. My dad spent countless hours on the practice range and green with me, playing with me and preparing me for competition at the next level. Without his constant support and energy for helping me become better I wouldnt have won any tournaments. For many years i spent my summers and after school at the golf course. i would spend hours upon hours on the driving range pounding golf balls trying to perfect my golf swing. During the summer months my dad would take me to the course early in the morning on his way to work, then in the evenings he would show back up and we would fine tune the things that went wrong during my playing that day. After the range we would go to the putting green and work on my chipping and putting. One of my dads favorite sayings was You drive for show and you putt for dough! I was very competitive and kept coming up short in tournaments, but my dad was convinced that with work id win, Practice makes perfects, as he loved saying to me. There no telling how many hours I spent practicing or how many golf balls we hit to achieve that first victory. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Memorable Childhood Event" essay for you Create order My dad was a scratch golfer for a long time. A scratch golfer means you play the course at whatever par, which is different from course to course. We used to play almost every weekend and i would always come up short beating him. Usually not by much and if it was close he would get into my head and talk into hitting a bad shot and messing up on the last hole. Muleshoe Country Cub last hole was a par 3 which played 140 yards with a tee shot that was over water the whole way. It was by far the hardest hole at the course and was always my enemy when the game was close between me and my dad. On this particular day, it was very cold and into the wind. I was beating my dad by one shot going into the finishing hole. I remember or conversation to the tee as clear today as that day. He kept saying, Its along way over that water son, dont get wet. Needless to say, I hit my first ball in the water as i normally did when the pressure was on and my dad hit his ball on the green. Knowing that the game was on the line, i tee the next ball up and having a one stroke lead i basically need to hole this shot. I hit the prettiest shot that day, and when i hit it i knew it was close. I holed it! On the way to the green my dad couldnt believe that the shot went in until we get to the green and I remove the ball from the hole. I had finally beaten my dad in a round of golf and while I didnt realize it at the time it was the one event that propelled me to winning my first golf tournament. Every experience Ive talked about lead up to me becoming capable of winning my first golf tournament. Just a few months have passed by since the victory over my dad. Im a sophomore in high school and had made a name for myself a competitor on the golf team but couldnt seem to get a outright win. We play three golf tournaments in district and the lowest team total and the three lowest individual totals go on to regionals. After two events my team was in first place and i was in fifth place individually. Its March in west Texas, maybe fifty degrees and the wind is blowing twenty to thirty miles a hours. Miserable conditions to play a golf tournament in. Before we start, my dad tells me to concentrate on hitting the fairways and the greens because its a hard day to score low and par will win. For me to say that day was magical for me would be a understatement, for the first time in my life i was in total control of the golf ball and my emotions. I shot 36 on the front nine, which was one over par. At the time I didnt realize how good of a front nine that was and that was a good thing. The magic continues and i shoot a 37 on the back nine. Thats a total of 73 for the round. As the tournament officials are postings the days scores form all the players i start to realize the significance of the round of golf i had just posted and that there was a possibility i might win this tournament and qualify for regionals individually too. The closest score to mine was a 81, and a 8 shot difference. I had just won my first tournament and qualified first in district and was on my way to regionals not just with the team but individually too. All the hard work, sweat and tears had finally pain off not just for me, but for my dad also. I worked extremely hard through out my childhood and teens to be the best golfer i could be. It took years of dedication and practice and many failures in tournaments for me to finally achieve my first victory.It was all worth it. My happiest childhood memories are with my dad at the golf course either practicing or playing a round of golf. Without my fathers love and support i dont think i could have ever won a tournament or even been competitive. All the hours we spent together practicing, playing he molded me into a winner and I am forever great full that he was willing to share it with me.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Status of Elderly People in Nepal - 7837 Words
duangjai@ FOR PARTICIPANTS ONLY ESID/HLM-MIPAA/6 9 October 2007 ENGLISH ONLY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC High-level Meeting on the Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) 9-11 October 2007 Macao, China Elderly People in Nepal What happened after MIPPA, 2002? * Nepal Participatory Action Network * This paper was prepared by Mr. Bhola Prasad Dahal, Immediate Past Chairperson/Executive Committee Member, Nepal Participatory Action Network, Nepal, for the High-level Meeting on the Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), 9-11 October 2007, Macao, China. The views expressed do not necessary reflect those of the United Nations. The paper†¦show more content†¦The population of Nepal is considered young as 39 percent of its total population is under 15 years of age and only 4.20 percent are above 65 years of age. However the elderly population in Nepal is growing steadily @ 3.39% per year. 2.0 2.1 Population of elderly people and their social status Increment of elderly population In Nepal, the older population is increasing both in terms of absolute numbers and as a proportion of the total population; however, traditional family norms and values of supporting the elderly are eroding. Individuals over 60 years of age are considered elderly. There were 1.6 million elderly inhabitants which constitutes 7.46% of the total population in 2001 which will be double by 2017 6 . Fertility, mortality and life expectancy are all closely related. Control over unplanned pregnancies and early mortality has led to a greater likelihood that new lives will live longer and thrive. A continuous decrease in the infant mortality rate has led to an increase in the stated life expectancy. Consequently, life expectancy in Nepal has increased from approximately 27 years in 1951 to 60 years in 2001 which means a Nepalese baby born at the turn of 21st century has a life-expectancy of more than 30 years greater than oneShow MoreRelatedUnity : The Message And Diversity Is The Messenger111 1 Words  | 5 Pagesdimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies which clearly signifiesUnity in Diversity. Introduction: Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. It signifies the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or otherRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On School And College Students881 Words  | 4 Pagesinseparable part of our daily life. It has become a modem of communication. 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The term ‘‘domestic violence’’ will be used in this entry and will refer primarily to female victims of male perpetrators. While it is also recognized that abuse can occur in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships, the emphasis here willRead MoreChild Marriage Should Not Solve Our Problems With The Same Thinking Essay1549 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems with the same thinking we used when we created them.†Said Albert Einstein. The greater parts of individuals have felt powerless in a phase of their life, whether when they were children, teenagers, or even old. Yet concerning children and young people, the meaning of frail thoroughly varies. All through the world, marriage is viewed as a minute of delight and festival however the act of early marriage gives no such foundation for festival. 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A vicious circle is set up whereby their lack of positiveRead MoreHealthcare System Of Kenya As An Example For Future Students And Classes2796 Words  | 12 Pagesmany health professionals leaving Kenya to find posts abroad, there is a severe shortage of medical workers across the country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Kenya has just one doctor and only 12 nurses/midwives for every 10,000 people. [USAID, 2010] Medical technology in Kenya: Technology assessment as a health policy instrument and planning tool has not gained recognition in Kenya. Acquisition of health care equipment is not done on the basis of evidence from relative advantage
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Short Talks Free Essays
2/20/13 English 1102 Introduction I start off with a couple of stereotypes I recently heard or saw people discussing and give my feelings/opinions on why I feel people say things like that. Next is my feelings toward SSU, it’s a mixed feeling really a love and hate relationship. I end my short talks with my first, and definitely not my last, fight I had; that occurred in kindergarten. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Talks or any similar topic only for you Order Now All I can say about that is never and I mean NEVER touch my crayons! On Stereotypes- â€Å"All black people like chicken,†is one of the most commonly known stereotypes but recently I ran into some really interesting stereotypes; like all black people have gaps, if your black your house has roaches, black people were more helpful to America as slaves, all black people are ugly when they’re babies, and black girls put weave in their hair because they don’t have any. When I hear people talk like this all I can do is laugh at the ignorance, you have to be on a whole other level of stupid to even think like that and then to let that stupidity slip out of your mouth. People let statements like that get to them and get them all roweled up over it but, you have to sit back sometimes and think about where they get their point of view on African Americans people from. I find that a lot of it comes from the older generations in their family where the racism is still alive and brewing, and once again I laugh because it is 2013 and if you still feel African Americans should be slaves and they’re ignorant monkeys then go ahead and do you. As far as those other statements though I have a gap I know plenty of â€Å"black people†who don’t, my house doesn’t have roaches and never will, I wouldn’t be a good slave because I’m way too strong willed and I only work for pay, I was a beautiful baby, and plenty of African American girls have long beautiful hair. On Savannah State- â€Å"You are so rachet with your power outs, slow wifi, bad cable connection, rude faculty and staff, and rising tuition that’s mostly going to athletic fees for teams that aren’t even good. †-Anonymous I love my SSU but I hate it too, it has so much potential to be a great school but there has to be some major changes first. The first thing that the people over the school should take a good look into is the way a lot of their staff members act towards current and future students; some of them are rude and nasty every day to everybody. Next, they should move to the â€Å"problem professors†, which are the ones who the students complain the most about, they have the highest rate of students dropping out, and they have the highest failure rate. Lastly, would be what they use the budget for the school on I feel some of the funding for certain things could be used for more important things that the school needs, like a full time doctor for example. On Self-Respect- â€Å"How can you expect anybody to respect you if you’re half naked on Facebook for likes? †Girls are always crying on Facebook, twitter, instagram, and other social sites about how they want a â€Å"real man†but yet they have all of these lewd, distasteful pictures up for the whole internet to see. On top of that they get mad when they get a bunch of sexual comments and messages, it’s kind of baffling because what else would they expect to get if that’s how they present themselves. On the struggle- It’s hard being in college with no form of income coming in, eating ramen noodles every night, and borrowing paper from other students in class. Being broke makes your refund check, no matter how big or small, look like a little slice of heaven. Refund check time is when all of the ballers come out, when the mall is packed with college students going on a spending spree for themselves and for the homies who don’t get a refund, and when all the parties you go to have a bunch of alcohol and weed; but a month later it’s back to the struggle. The month after refund is when people go back to begging for things, back to one or two bottles of liquor at the party, and back to those stupid ramen noodles. On my first fight- I remember when I was a little, sweet, loving, only child living in Yonkers, NY. I got everything I wanted and I never had to share anything, unless I wanted to and I was always kind enough to do it anyway. My mother came home one day with these new glitter crayons for me, since I loved to draw and color; and I loved them. I brought them to school the next day to show my best friend and we colored with them during breakfast, before class. One of the older students saw us and came over, she took all of my friends crayons and pushed her out of her seat and proceeded to reach for mine. I grabbed my things, backed away and told her she couldn’t have my crayons. I saw a little bit of rage in her eyes as her friends laughed at her for not being able to take a kindergartener’s crayons; so she pushed me and went to take my things. I wanted to sit there and cry like my friend was doing but instead I got mad, I got real mad just thinking about the fact my mother just bought me some new â€Å"special†glitter crayons and some hood rat with no manners was going to have them for free wasn’t sitting right with me. I got up and punched her in the face and I could tell by the look in her eyes that it hurt, so I punched her again and again and again; I even started to scratch at her face. Her friends who were at first laughing saw how serious I was about those crayons and went to get the school’s officer, who eventually stopped me. I didn’t get in trouble that day but I got a newly found confidence that would lead me into trouble with anyone willing to cross the wrong path with me. How to cite Short Talks, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Divine Justice vs. Human Nature free essay sample
Takes a look at how Dante and Boccaccio make opposing arguments on the issue of divine justice versus human nature. This paper demonstrates Dantes and Boccaccios opposing views concerning whether the importance of Gods divine justice outweighs the innate human qualities present in all peoples. Using the example of how each portrays members of the clergy in their works, Dantes preference of divine justice emerges, as does Boccaccios preference of human nature. Dante and Boccaccio disagree on the issue of divine justice versus human nature. In The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Dante employs Fortune to prove the importance of divine justice. As a creation of God, Fortune operates strictly within the will of God, enhancing Dantes depiction of Gods omnipotence. Dante also illustrates the importance of Gods divine justice through the various people the pilgrim meets in the circles of the Inferno, specifically members of the clergy. We will write a custom essay sample on Divine Justice vs. Human Nature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In sentencing these men to hell, Dante demonstrates the fair and impartial manner in which God judges all people. He points out that God does not favor the clergymen because of their church titles, but judges all people according to the same moral and religious standards. Boccaccio, on the other hand, utilizes the same constructions in The Decameron, but uses them to contradict the previously accepted philosophies set forth in the Inferno. Boccaccio presents Fortune as Gods enemy, a power that provides earth with more than it needs.
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